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XTriples is a tool that transforms TEI documents into CIDOC CRM for publication in ResearchSpace or for use in other projects.

XTriples and LINCS​

XTriples users can transform their TEI data into Resource Description Framework (RDF) data to contribute it to LINCS.

The current transformation options rely on documents that use the standard LINCS entity templates with Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) representing entities (persons, concepts, organizations, places, or titles). Users can insert these URIs into their LINCS entity templates using LEAF-Writer.


Currently, XTriples converts placeographies and personographies, but will convert bibliographies, eventographies, orgographies, letters, poems, and prose to CIDOC CRM by the end of summer 2023.


XTriples users:

  • Need LEAF template files (records about people, places, organizations, or events) created using LEAF-Writer or files with tagged reconciled references to people created from one of LEAF-Writer’s Letter, Poem, and Prose templates
  • Need experience encoding in TEI and reading TEI files

Xtriples supports the following inputs and outputs:

  • Input: TEI-XML

XTriples is based on the original XTriples codebase, created by Torsten Schrade and the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur's Digtiale Akademie team. Information about the team that developed XTriples is available on the Tool Credits page.