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Ensure you have read the 3M Basics tab of this walkthrough, in particular the section Understanding the Data, before continuing.

It might also be useful to read Interface of a Mapping Project to understand the 3M interface as components of the interface will be referenced throughout the rest of this walkthrough.

The mappings portion of this walkthrough is broken down into the following sections:

  1. Mapping the Subject
  2. Mapping Names
  3. Mapping Events
  4. Mapping Event Places
  5. Mapping Event Dates

Mapping the Subject​

  1. Select the mapping project you just made.
The Project Mappings page with the project Yellow Nineties Sample Project selected.
  1. Click Open. This will open your project. By default, whenever you open a project it will display the project's Files Metadata window.
The Project Mappings page with the Open button indicated.
The Files Metadata window for the mapping project Yellow Nineties Sample Project.
  1. Close the Files Metadata window.
The Files Metadata window with the Save & Close button indicated.
The mapping project Yellow Nineties Sample Project.
  1. Click the checkbox next to Expand all mappings. This will expand Mapping #1.

You can also expand each mapping individually if you have more than one mapping in your mapping project. However, this will decrease searchability for that page. Mappings that are not expanded will not show up when the page is searched. This might hinder your work if you are looking for repeated use of a class, property, word, etc. Remember to Expand all mappings if you will be using the page search function (Ctrl + F).

The mapping project Yellow Nineties Sample Project with Expand all mappings indicated.
Mapping #1 expanded.
  1. Click on the Domain to expand it.
Mapping #1 with its Domain indicated.
Domain expanded.
  1. Click on Source Node and select /rdf:RDF/rdf:Description.
Source Node drop-down menu with /rdf:RDF/rdf:Description selected.
  1. Click on Target Entity and select E21_Person. |

You can search through the options by typing in the start of the option you are looking for. This applies to both the Source Node drop-down menu and the Target Entity dropdown menu.

Target Entity drop-down menu with E21_Person selected.
Domain with Source Node and Target Entity filled in.

This means every instance of /rdf:RDF/rdf:Description in the source data will result in the creation of a E21_Person entity in the final Turtle file.

  1. Click on Generator. This will open the Generator window so you can add generators to the Target Entity.
Target Entity with the Generator button indicated.
The Generator window.
  1. Select the instance generator UriExistingOrNew.
The Generator window with UriExistingOrNew selected.

Recall that the source data looks like this:

<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">

The goal of using UriExistingOrNew is to grab the URI that is stored in the attribute rdf:about. Xpath is used to select it. This way we can declare that each instance of the Yellow Nineties URI is an instance of CIDOC CRM E21_Person.

  1. Fill out the Instance Declaration panel like this:

Argument #1: uri

Type: Xpath

Value: @rdf:about


Argument #2: text1

Type: Constant

Value: person_uri


Argument #3: uri_separator1

Type: Constant

Value: /

The Instance Declaration panel with all the fields filled out.

For Argument #2: text1, the value does not appear in the final Turtle file. Use it for your own reference. You can write a value that is different from this walkthrough's.

  1. Click Save Instance Generator.
The Generator window with Save Instance Generator indicated.
  1. Click the Label tab.
The Generator window with the Label tab indicated.
The Label tab.
  1. Click on Delcare new Label Generator (plus button).
The Label tab with Delcare new Label Generator (plus button) indicated.
The label generator definitions.
  1. Select Literal.

The instance generator picked out the URI for each person, but without a label the data is not human-readable and cannot be easily explored. Using the Literal label generator will allow you to create a rdfs:label for the URI.

The Generator window with the Literal generator selected.
  1. Fill out the Label Declaration panel like this:

Argument #1: text

Type: Xpath

Value: y90s_name/text()


Argument #2: language

Type: Constant

Value: en


It's best practice in linked data for labels to have a language tag and thus Argument #2: language should always be filled in except in rare cases. For example, if the label is an integer then it would not need a language tag. In this case, all of the source data is in English so every rdfs:label should have the @en language tag. Other datasets might have labels in multiple languages and would thus require different laguage tags.

The Instance Declaration panel with all the fields filled out.
  1. Click Save Label Generator.
The Generator window with Save Instance Generator indicated.
The Generator window with Label Generator Definitions.
  1. Close the Generator window.
The Generator window with Close indicated.

Now the E21_Person has a URI and a rdf:label. You have mapped the subject of this source data.

The Domain with generators on its Target Entity.

Check Your Work​

To confirm you've done all the steps correctly, you can quickly produce and review some RDF triples to ensure that the result is what you expect.

  1. Click on the arrow beside Produce RDF. This will open a menu of options.
The arrow beside Produce RDF is indicated.
The drop-down menu for Produce RDF is indicated.
  1. Select Produce Turtle.
The option Produce Turtle is indicated.
The option Produce RDF button has changed to Produce Turtle.
  1. Click the Produce Turtle button. This will open the Transformed Output window.
The Produce Turtle button is indicated.
The Transformed Output window.
  1. Double check that the contents of your Turtle file match the contents below:
a crm:E21_Person ;
rdfs:label "Smith, Pamela Colman"@en .

a crm:E21_Person ;
rdfs:label "Yeats, John Butler"@en .

a crm:E21_Person ;
rdfs:label "Yeats, W. B."@en .

If they don't match, retrace your steps and see where you might have strayed from the walkthrough.

If they match then congratulations! You have successfully mapped the subject. Now that you are more familiar with the 3M interface, the rest of this walkthrough will be more succinct and only feature key steps or new concepts with the assumption you will refer back to this Mapping the Subject section if you get stuck.

Mapping Names​

Recall that the source XML file has the following data related to names:

 <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<y90s_name>Yeats, W. B.</y90s_name>
<y90s_birth_name>Yeats, William Butler</y90s_birth_name>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<y90s_name>Smith, Pamela Colman</y90s_name>
<y90s_aka>P. C. S.</y90s_aka>
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<y90s_name>Yeats, John Butler</y90s_name>

There are three types of names: name they used, name they were given at birth, and name they are also known as.

By working with the Yellow Nineties researchers, these names have been typed as: personal name (, birth name (, and additional name ( using the CWRC vocabularly.

The mapping pattern for names when applied to this source data looks like this:


The goal of this section is to translate the informal mapping diagram above into machine-readable RDF triples with the relevant predicates / properties and entities / classes.

Let's start by mapping personal names.

  1. Add New Link.
  1. Under Target Relation, click Add Intermediate.
  1. Select the following for each field:

Source Relation: y90s_name

1st Target Relation: P1_is_identified_by

1st Target Entity: E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation

2nd Target Relation: P190_has_symbolic_content

2nd Target Entity: Literal


Remember you can search for / prompt the options by typing a part of the option.


This link ensures that every time there is a <y90s_name> element in the source data, then the predicate P1_is_identified_by and the object E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation will be created. Attached to that E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation is the predicate P190_has_symbolic_content which will then have an rdfs:literal that contains the actual content of the E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation. It established the relationships required for you to map this section of the pattern:

  1. Add the instance generator ConcatMultipleTerms to the 1st Target Entity.
  1. Fill in the Instance Declaration panel like below and then Save Instance Generator.

Argument #1: prefix

Type: Constant



Argument #2: sameTermsDelim

Type: Constant

Value: /


Argument #3: diffTermsDelim

Type: Constant

Value: /


Argument #4: text1

Type: Constant

Value: name


Argument #4: text2

Type: Xpath

Value: text()


This makes a temporary LINCS URI for the E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation that will be replaced by a proper minted LINCS URI in post-processing. The temp LINCS URI is constructed to be as unique or as generalized as it needs to be for that specific pattern. In this case, each instance of E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation should be unique to each E21_Person. Hence why the value for text2 refers to the value within the element <y90s_name>. The value for text1 will appear in the Turtle file produced by 3M, but it won't appear in the data that is ingested into the linked data triplestore. Your value for text1 can be different from this walkthrough's, it is for your reference only.

  1. Add the label generator name after switching to the Label tab. Fill out the Label Declaration like below and Save Label Generator.

Argument #1: name

Type: Xpath

Value: text()


Argument #2: language

Type: Constant

Value: en


Notice how the pattern under name is Name of {name}. This means the label generator has the words "Name of" built into its pattern and the variable {name} will be filled with whatever value you put in for Argument #1: name. In this case, we want the rdfs:label to say "Name of <y90s_name>" for each E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation, hence why the Xpath is text(). (The Source Relation is already y90s_name so we don't need to move to a different node.)

Now let's address the rdfs:literal which is the object for the P190_has_symbolic_content predicate.

  1. Add the instance generator Literal to the Target Entity Literal. Fill out the Instance Declaration panel like below and Save Instance Generator.

Argument #1: text

Type: Xpath

Value: text()


Argument #2: language

Type: Constant

Value: en


There isn't a label generator because the range of P190_has_symbolic_content is already a rdfs:literal.

  1. Much like how you checked your work for mapping the subject, Produce Turtle again to check that the resulting Turtle file has triples that matches the ones below:
a crm:E21_Person ;
rdfs:label "Yeats, W. B."@en ;
crm:P1_is_identified_by <, W. B.> .

<, W. B.>
a crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation ;
rdfs:label "Name of Yeats, W. B."@en ;
crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "Yeats, W. B."@en .

The above triples apply to W. B. Yeats. Ensure that Pamela Colman Smith and John Butler Yeats also have triples in this pattern.


Now we need to address the E55_Type for the names mapping pattern.

  1. Click Additional to add a constant entity to E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation. Select the following for this new constant entity:

Relation: P2_has_type

Entity: E55_Type

This means every time this E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation appears, a E55_Type wil be attached to it.


Recall from the beginning of Mapping Names that personal name has been typed as that is the URI we want to use for this E55_Type.

  1. Add the instance generator UriExistingOrNew to this E55_Type. Fill out the Instance Declaration panel like below and Save Instance Generator.

Argument #1: uri

Type: Constant



Argument #2: text1

Type: Constant

Value: cwrc_personalName


Argument #3: uri_separator1

Type: Constant

Value: /

  1. Add the label generator Literal after switching to the Label tab. Fill out the Label Declaration like below and Save Label Generator.

Argument #1: text

Type: Constant

Value: personal name


Argument #2: language

Type: Constant

Value: en

  1. Check your work again by clicking Produce Turtle. Your triples should look like this now for W. B. Yeats:
a crm:E21_Person ;
rdfs:label "Yeats, W. B."@en ;
crm:P1_is_identified_by <, W. B.> .

<, W. B.>
a crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation ;
rdfs:label "Name of Yeats, W. B."@en ;
crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "Yeats, W. B."@en ;
crm:P2_has_type <> .

a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "personal name"@en .

Ensure there are also appropriate triples for the other two entities.


There should only be one <> entity. Each E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation should refer to that URI / E55_Type. By referring to the same E55_Type, the data is then linked together and can be searched by this E55_Type.

Recall from the beginning of Mapping Names that there are two other name types, birth name (, and additional name (

Mapping those types will be easier because you have the framework laid out. Let's start by mapping birth names.

  1. Clone Link #1 by clicking Clone this link. This will create a copy of Link #1 called Link #2.
  1. Change the Source Relation and Source Node of Link #2 to y90s_birth_name.
  1. Edit the instance generator and label generator for the E55_Type in Link #2 so that it directs to

DO NOT switch to new generator Definitions, only edit the Declarations.

  1. Edit the instance generator for E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation like below and Save Instance Generator.

Argument #4: text1

Type: Constant

Value: birth_name


Argument #5: text2

Type: Xpath

Value: ../y90s_name/text()

  1. Click on Open Generator Definitions Manager.
  1. Click Add New Generator Definition.
  1. Switch the Type to label and fill in the rest like below and Save.

Name: birth_name

Pattern: Birth name of {name}

  1. Switch the label generator for E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation to the birth_name generator that you just made. Fill out the Label Declaration like below and Save Label Generator.

Argument #1: name

Type: Xpath

Value: ../y90s_name/text()


Argument #2: language

Type: Constant

Value: en

  1. Check your work by clicking Produce Turtle. The relevant triples for W. B. Yeats' birth name should look like this:
a crm:E21_Person ;
rdfs:label "Yeats, W. B."@en ;
crm:P1_is_identified_by <, W. B.> , <, W. B.> .

<, W. B.>
a crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation ;
rdfs:label "Birth name of Yeats, W. B."@en ;
crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "Yeats, William Butler"@en ;
crm:P2_has_type <> .

a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "birth name"@en .

Out of the three entities, only W. B. Yeats has a birth name so his triples are the only ones you need to check.

  1. Repeat Steps 12 - 20 for additional name ( which addresses the element <y90s_aka>. This should result in Link #3 looking like this:

The relevant Turtle triples should look like this:

a crm:E21_Person ;
rdfs:label "Smith, Pamela Colman"@en ;
crm:P1_is_identified_by <, Pamela Colman> , <, Pamela Colman> .

<, Pamela Colman>
a crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation ;
rdfs:label "Additional name of Smith, Pamela Colman"@en ;
crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "P. C. S."@en ;
crm:P2_has_type <> .

a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "additional name"@en .

Out of the three entities, only Pamela Colman Smith has an additional name so her triples are the only ones you need to check.

Now you know how to map names, including different name types. Next you will learn how to map events.

Mapping Events ​

Mapping Event Places ​

Mapping Event Dates ​