Project Setup
Project Setup​
Follow the instructions below to set up your mapping project.
- Click the Add New button. This will open a window with the Mapping Information step.
The Project Mappings page with the Add New button indicated. |
- Type in the Title of the mapping project along with a Description. Only the Title will be visible on the Project Mappings page. This Title will also be visible to all other users in the LINCS 3M instance.
Title and description are for your reference only and won ’t be included in the converted data. LINCS has suggested title and description standards.
The Mapping Information step with the Title and Description filled out for the Yellow Nineties dataset. |
- Click Next to move on to the Source Input step.
The Mapping Information step with the Next button indicated. |
- Click Add a new file (plus button). This will create an empty panel to upload your source input file.
The Source Input step with Add a new file (plus button) indicated. |
The Source Input step with with an empty panel for uploading the source input. |
- Upload the source data XML file by dragging and dropping it into the panel or by clicking Browse and navigating to it in your file explorer. The Title of the source input file will automatically fill in based on the name of the file you uploaded. The Title will be visible in the Files’ Metadata window and when you Export all files to zip.
The Source Input step with the uploaded source data file. |
- Click Next to move on to the Target Schema step.
The Source Input step with the Next button indicated. |
The Target Schema step. |
- Select CIDOC CRM (7.1.1) from the list of options. This is the base CIDOC CRM ontology file .
The other preloaded Target Schema options feature different ontologies or extentions of the CIDOC CRM ontology. They are used for more complicated mappings such as full datasets and are beyond the scope of this walkthrough. For documentation on their use within LINCS see the LINCS Application Profile and dataset-specific application profiles.
The Target Schema step with the CIDOC CRM (7.1.1) option selected. |
- Click Next to move on to the URI Generator Policy step.
The Target Schema step with the Next button indicated. |
The URI Generator Policy step. |
- Select LINCS Generator Policy (1.1). This is the base generator policy used by LINCS.
You can also write and upload your own generator policy, but that is beyond the scope of this walkthrough. For more information on generators and generator policies, go to the Generator page of this walkthrough or the offical 3M Generator Manual.
The URI Generator Policy step with the LINCS Generator Policy (1.1) option selected. |
- Click Next to move on to the Confirmation step.
The URI Generator Policy step with the Next button indicated. |
The Confirmation step. |
- Review your setup. The Title and Description might differ from the screenshot above, but ensure that your Source Input, Target Schema, and Generator Policy match the following:
Source Input: 3m_walkthrough_source_data (3m_walkthrough_source_data.xml)
Target Schema: CIDOC CRM v7.1.1 (CIDOC_CRM_v7.1.1.rdfs)
Generator Policy: LINCS Generator Policy v1.1 (lincs_gen_policy_v1.xml)
If your Confirmation step does not match the above, click the Back button and redo the relevant step.
The Confirmation step with the Back button indicated. |
- Click Finish to finish setting up your mapping project.
The Confirmation step with the Finish button indicated. |
You're ready to start mapping your data.